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Focus on Teaching Quality and Professional Transformation


Mission: Build your success!

Vision: Your success is our success!

Values: Generation of Knowledge and Ethics

IGT-SPis  the initials of Institute of Management and Technology of São Paulo!

Somos uma organização de prestação de serviços de ensino, pesquisa e projetos, sediados no estado de São Paulo está_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_habilitated according to Law no. 9394/96, o Decree no. 5.154/04 e a EEC Deliberation 14/97.

Since 2002 the founders of IGT-SPmaintains strategic partnerships with other education and research institutions creating innovations as the first recognized higher-level course in Logistics and Logistics in Brazil (Technologist and Logistics Transportes), the first EAD of Logistics in Brazil (CATHO) totaling more than 30,000 students reached in the area of business management, the first SCHOOL DE LOGÍSTICA in Brazil and the first SPECIAL AUDITS course.


IGT-SPencouraged the creation and collaborates in the Supply Chain Competitive Management Centers da FIESP CIESP RP e da ABIMETAL  - SICETELand has been contributing to the creation of new Competitive Management Centers with projects in engineering and business management areas 150 carrying out more events and solutions.

The professionals who work inIGT-SP são autores e detentores de diversas metodologias de gestão consagradas, onde destacamos a_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_"Audit of Supply Chain", "Financial Logistics" and "Tax Logistics".


Also develops with technology MICROSOFT AI (Artificial Intelligence), Automation, Data Science and Business Intelligence (BI)  projects and solutions for managing organizations.

With a philosophy focused on developing knowledge through professional ethics, theIGT-SPis a pioneer in the creation of professional qualification courses for professions hitherto not awarded by university courses, but which demand enormous qualification in their professional activities.


The formation of the professional staff do IGT-SP  belongs to associates who also work as professors at top universities such as a USP🇧🇷UNICAMP🇧🇷UNESP e FATEC, with qualified market recognition, each with at least 20 years of professional experience. 


Destacamos um diferencial marcante: todos são executivos e professores que conhecem as necessidades do mercado por terem vida profissional ativa!

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