Read with attention!
IGT-SP projects are available on a public page with their open data.
Confidential data is reserved for authorized agents registered in its system, through the following process:
1) on the main page access in the upper right corner: Login;
2) request registration as a member of the IGT-SP filling in all required fields (incomplete registrations will be rejected);
3) request one of the options below in the function field:
3.1) Researcher;
3.2) Trainee;
3.3) Volunteer;
3.4) Operating institution;
3.5) Supplier institution;
3.6) Sponsor institution;
4) Wait for a confirmation email.
5) After confirmation, access our solutions which are composed of:
5.1) Public website;
5.2) Project management intranet;
5.3) Project operation intranet.
IGT-SP is not responsible for any use of data or information disclosed on its website without prior authorization.
By filling in and sharing your data with IGT-SP, you are accepting our data protection policy, which is in compliance with the LGPD - General Data Protection Law - LAW No. 13.709, OF AUGUST 14, 2018
To learn more, visit: http://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/_ato2015-2018/2018/lei/l13709.htm